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DESIGN FUTURES is an innovative project that promotes interaction and dialogue between the field of design and various areas of knowledge, promoting reflection and discussion on current global design challenges, including large-scale systemic problems, new entrepreneurial projects, new products and services, new design methods, processes and strategies that contribute to building visions for a more sustainable and resilient, safe and ethical future.

During the month of October and November, at the Faculty of Fine Arts - University of Lisbon, several design thinkers are invited to present and discuss different Design Futures themes.

The first topic is Design & Regenerative Urbanism with researcher Johannes Riegler (Driving Urban Transition) and designer Rasim Can Savaskan (Delft University of Technology / SUSDESIGN).

Registration Required

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Researcher Johannes Riegler

Designer Rasim Can Savaskan


3rd OCT 2024

14h00-14h30: Registration

14h30 - 15h00: Presentation (Johannes Riegler)

15h00 - 15h30: Presentation (Rasim Can Savaskan)

15h30 - 16h30: Discussion between design students, Johannes & Rasim (Moderator: Ana Mestre)

16h30 - 17h00: Networking & Closure

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